Accessibility Plan

Dymon Storage Multi Year Accessibility Plan

This Multi-year Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”) outlines the policies, procedures and practices that Dymon Storage Corporation (“Dymon”) has put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities in the following areas:

  • Customer Service
  • Information and Communications
  • Employment
  • Design of Public Spaces

The Plan will be updated on a yearly basis at a minimum to reflect Dymon’s accomplishments in improving our services to people with disabilities and to ensure that we continue to meet our obligations for the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005(the “AODA”).

Statement of Commitment

Dymon is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA.

Customer Service Standard

Compliance date: January 1, 2012. Reviewed 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/ongoing

Dymon is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities and to consistently identify and remove accessibility barriers for people with disabilities.

Dymon has implemented a customer service plan that has achieved the following to date:

  • Welcoming and permitting (everywhere on the parts of our premises that are open to the public) assistive devices, service animals and support persons that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods and services
  • Familiarizing and training, to the extent possible, our staff on the use of various assistive devices, including also on the respectful and effective ways of communicating with customers with disabilities that take into account their disabilities
  • Notifying customers in the event of planned or unexpected temporary disruptions to services or facilities for customers with disabilities, such as elevator maintenance. This clearly posted notice includes information about the reason for disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative services
  • Inviting customers, employees and members of the public to provide feedback on the way in which Dymon provides goods and services to people with disabilities by telephone, in writing, and in person as detailed on our website under “Accessibility”
  • Committing to modify or remove any policy, practice or procedure of Dymon that does not adequately respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities


Compliance date: January 1, 2012. Reviewed 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to providing training on accessible customer service to all employees and volunteers, including additional training when changes are made to the policy. This training is provided to staff and volunteers within three (3) months of hire date and annually subsequently thereafter. Implemented the DYMON University (LMS) Learning Management System with online courses and tracking in 2020. Reviewed in 2023.

Availability of customer service plan and accessible formats: Compliance date: January 1, 2012. Reviewed 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to ensuring that our customer service plan and any related materials are made available to all employees and to the public in accessible formats, as requested. We provide materials to accommodate individual needs in a timely manner and at no additional cost.

Information and Communications

Dymon is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will consult with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs and to continue to develop superior ways of communicating information.


Compliance date: January 1, 2015. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to providing training to all employees, volunteers and other staff members who participate in developing Dymon’s policies and who provide goods, services or access to Dymon’s facilities on the following:

  • the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
  • the Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.
  • Additional training on the Information and Communications and Employment standards in a way that best suits the duties of the employees, volunteers and other staff members. Implemented the DYMON University (LMS) Learning Management System with online courses and tracking in 2020. Reviewed in 2023.

Accessible websites and content: Compliance date: January 1, 2014. Reviewed 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon continues to meet and further expand upon many of the WCAG 2.0, Level A requirements on our website.

Compliance date: January 1, 2021. Reviewed 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to ensuring that we continue to work towards meeting the WCAG 2.0, Level AA requirements on our website, other than:

  • success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (Live), and
  • success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Description (Pre-recorded)


Compliance date: January 1, 2015. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon has implemented an accessible feedback process on the way in which Dymon provides goods and services to people with disabilities. We invite customers, employees and members of the public who have a disability to:

  • provide feedback directly to those delivering the goods and services, including also by telephone, in writing, and in person by appointment as detailed on our website under “Accessibility”

Accessible formats and communication supports: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon will take the following steps to make sure all publicly available information is made accessible upon request:

  • Provide accessible formats and communication supports to accommodate individual needs in a timely manner and at no additional cost
  • Consult with the individual requesting the information to determine the most suitable accessible format or communication support
  • Communicate to the public via our website and to all Dymon employees via training that accessible formats and communication supports are available


Dymon is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.

Recruitment, assessment and selection:

Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

We take the following steps to notify the public and staff that, when requested, Dymon will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when employees are hired:

  • When recruiting new employees, Dymon informs potential applicants that we accommodate the specific needs of applicants with disabilities
  • Upon request and in consultation with the applicant, we provide accommodation appropriate to the applicant’s accessibility needs
  • Upon hire, we inform the new employee of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities and work with them to accommodate their specific needs

Informing employees of supports: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to informing all employees of policies that support employees with disabilities and of any changes made to existing policies regarding employment accommodations for accessibility.

Accessible formats and communication supports for employees: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to ensuring that all employees are informed of the availability of accessible formats and communication supports required for succeeding in their roles.

Individual accommodation plans: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to developing and implementing a process for documenting individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. This process will include:

  • Consulting with employees who request individual accommodation plans to develop those plans and keep a record of those plans
  • Reviewing the individual accommodation plans on an annual basis to ensure the plans continue to remain effective, efficient and suitable to the employees’ needs

Return-to-work process: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to completing a detailed return-to-work process for employees who are absent due to a disability and require accommodation in order to return to work and be successful in their roles.

Performance management, career development and redeployment processes: Compliance date: January 1, 2016. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to ensuring that we are mindful of accessibility needs and individual accommodation plans when executing our performance management process, career development and redeployment opportunities for employees with disabilities. For example, Dymon will make performance management accessible by:

  • Reviewing our employees’ accommodation plans to understand their needs and determine whether any changes are required in order to help them succeed in their roles
  • Providing performance management documents in accessible formats upon request

Dymon will also consider what accommodation our employees with disabilities may need in order to:

  • Develop new skills and assume additional work responsibilities
  • Determine what steps need to be taken to help employees with disabilities grow and succeed in other positions with Dymon

Accessible emergency information: Compliance date: January 1, 2012. Reviewed 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon is committed to providing customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible format upon request. We are also committed to providing employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary. For example:

  • Upon learning of an employee’s needs, we will work with them to create an individualized emergency response plan in their requested accessible format
  • The information is reviewed on an annual basis to accommodate a possible change in the employee’s workspace location, a change in the employee’s overall accommodation needs, or in Dymon’s emergency response policies
  • Each employee’s individualized emergency plan is shared with those employees who are designated emergency response personnel

Design of Public Spaces

Compliance date: January 1, 2015. Reviewed 2018, 2020, 2023

Status: Completed/Ongoing

Dymon will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces. These public spaces include:

  • Outdoor paths of travel like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, and curb ramps
  • Accessible parking
  • Service-related elements like service counters and waiting areas

Dymon is committed to ensuring that procedures are in place for preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces, and for dealing with temporary disruptions when accessible elements are not in working order. For example:

  • A multi-year landscaping contract is in place to ensure all accessible areas, such as outdoor paths of travel, are clear from any obstructions (i.e. debris, snow, ice, ).
  • Standard operating procedures are in place to check for potential disruptions or deficiencies on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. All deficiencies are reported through a maintenance ticket system and received by a facilities maintenance team for
  • All Dymon facilities are monitored by staff 24 hours a day by use of high definition security cameras and call buttons to facilitate on call emergency service
  • In the event of a service disruption, we will notify the public of the service disruption and of the available

For More Information

For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact:

Dymon Guest Services

Phone: 1-844-693-9666


Accessible formats of this document are also available free upon request from Dymon Guest Services as per the above.

At DYMON, we offer more than just a place to store your belongings.

We offer a whole suite of services meant to make your storage experience, not just good, but great.